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What to Expect at Your Child’s Free Well Baby Dental Exam

What to Expect at Your Child’s Free Well Baby Dental Exam

When it comes to oral health, the younger you start your child, the better. Taking your child to the dentist from infancy helps their teeth and gums stay healthy, gets them used to the dentist at a young age, and starts a lifelong habit of good dental care.

At Yorktown Pediatric Dentistry in Yorktown Heights, NY, Staci Brunell, DMD, and Gina Gill, DMD, are so committed to early dental care, our team offers complimentary well baby dental exams to children aged 2 and under. Discover what you can expect at your child’s well baby dental exam.

When should my child start getting dental care?

Good oral health habits start younger than you might expect for babies. Your infant should start coming to well baby visits when they get their first tooth or turn 1 year old, whichever comes first.

What is a well baby dental exam?

A well baby dental exam is a check of your infant or toddler’s dental and oral health. At these checks, our providers ensure your child’s teeth have no signs of decay, gum disease, or other problems. 

During a well baby dental exam, you also have the opportunity to learn more about the best dental care for your child. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you have about caring for your child’s teeth, while learning recommended techniques.

Well baby dental exams also give you and your child an opportunity to get comfortable with dental visits. In particular, dental visits from a young age help familiarize your child with the dental environment, making them less likely to deal with fear and anxiety around dental procedures.

What to expect at a well baby dental exam

Getting a well baby dental exam only takes 10-15 minutes. This is enough time to examine your child and get them comfortable while taking into account their shorter attention span and lower tolerance for stimulation.

At the visit, our team gets your child comfortable and introduces them to a basic dental exam. Young children can often do this exam sitting on their parent’s lap or while playing with toys that make them happy.

The steps of the brief exam include an oral exam, question and answer session, and oral hygiene and nutritional advice. You’re given ample time to ask any questions you have about preventing tooth decay and cavities, oral hygiene, and any other queries you have about your child’s dental health. Our team offers well-researched, comprehensive answers.

During the exam portion of the well baby visit, our providers hold up a handheld mirror to assess the health of your child’s teeth, tongue, and gums. They advise a further course of action if they detect any concerns, ensuring your child gets care early.

To maintain your child’s oral health from a young age, our providers advise you on the best nutrition for a healthy mouth. This includes suggesting meals and snacks that will be healthy and tasty for your child.

Finally, our team members help you take care of your child’s teeth and gums before and after their first teeth start to appear. In general, we advise using a damp washcloth to wipe off infant gums and first teeth after they eat.

With complimentary well baby dental exams, our team demystifies oral care and dental visits for young children, with support that continues as they get older. Contact our team today to schedule an appointment.

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